Update from the WSDA Animal Disease Traceability Program

By David Hecimovich

The WSDA Animal Disease Traceability Program supports the state veterinarian by quickly identifying infected or exposed animals during an animal disease outbreak.  Several projects have been completed to build infrastructure at markets and harvest facilities in recent years.  While continuing to support those efforts, new projects will continue to build capacity for rapid response and containment to protect our livestock industry.


Over the last few years, WSDA has worked to upgrade existing market systems management software to speed up commerce and provide electronic tools to improve efficiency.  Six Washington livestock markets are now using the Saletime Veterinary Module that allows the market veterinarian to combine animal information collected at the vet chute with consignor or consignee information. This can then produce electronic health certificates, brucellosis vaccinations, and Trichomoniasis test records. The module is adaptable to meet each market veterinarian’s specific needs. The current software architecture is used to read Low Frequency RFID tags, but it is expandable to read High Frequency RFID tags.

Harvest Facilities

RFID tag reading equipment was installed at LimitBid Packing in Odessa and Pure Country Harvest in Moses Lake. This brings the total number of USDA inspected slaughter facilities reporting RFID tags for tag retirement to six facilities. This increased our RFID tag retirement capability to 99.1% of all cattle slaughtered in the state.

New Projects in 2021

Thanks to your input from the ADT Program fall survey, two new pilot projects have been selected to enhance traceability in 2021. The first project provides free, official 840 RFID tags to youth for agricultural exhibitions. The second project aims to make handheld readers more available to producers. 

Places of commingling of animals present unique risks for disease outbreaks, such as agricultural exhibitions. The objectives of the voluntary projects are to increase use of official identification of fair cattle and swine to promote rapid disease response and containment, use of electronic certificates of veterinarian inspection (CVIs) for interstate movement, and eliminate costs for youth exhibitors to purchase official electronic identification for exhibition.

The ADT program teamed with Allflex and WSU Extension to provide free RFID tags and 3- digit FAIR visual tags for fair cattle and swine. Tags will be applied at weigh in/exhibition at Benton, Franklin, and Grant county fairs. Other interested fairs will be invited to participate after the processes are refined. 

In the last two years, 85 hand held readers have been distributed to veterinarians across the state. The objective of the second project is to expand the scope of that effort to extension and producer groups. WSDA will partner with WSU Extension, fairs and county cattlemen’s associations to increase availability, education, outreach and training on the use of handheld readers. WSDA is working to get readers in the hands of key association leaders and extension agents. Please contact David Hecimovich (dhecimovich@agr.wa.gov) for more information or to request a reader for member/organization use.

2020 Washington Dairy Conference Online

Due to Gov. Jay Inslee’s pandemic restrictions, the 2020 Washington Dairy Conference will not be held in person this year.

Instead, we are holding virtual meetings on relevant topics See below for a description of each one.

To register, click on the link next to each meeting. A confirmation message containing more information about the webinar will be emailed to you.

Upcoming Webinars
• Nov. 17 at noon – “Ag Overtime Case: How to Cope with the Ruling and Take Next Steps” – Register here

• Nov. 19 at noon – A Conversation with Dr. Gordon Murdoch, the new chair of the WSU Department of Animal Science, and a CUDS Update from Dr. Joe Harrison – Register here

• Nov. 24 at noon – “The Impact of the 2020 Elections on Dairy” – Register here

• Dec. 1 at noon – Dairy Farmers of Washington Update – Register here

• Dec. 8 at 9:30 a.m. – A Conversation with Darigold CEO Stan Ryan and WSDF’s Annual Business Meeting – Register here

Past Webinars
Past webinars in our series are listed below. If you are interested in viewing these webinars or obtaining a copy of the materials, please email a request to Scott at scott@wastatedairy.com.

• Sept. 22 – “Dairy Economic Situation and Outlook: Where is the Roller Coaster Going?” by Dr. Peter Vitaliano from National Milk Producers Federation.

• Oct. 14 – “Navigating Dairy Labor Standards” by Dan Fazio and Pam Peters from wafla.

State Supreme Court issues disappointing ruling in agricultural overtime case

The Washington State Supreme Court issued a disappointing ruling effectively striking down our state’s exemption from paying dairy farmworkers time-and-a-half for overtime.

While we believe the court erred in its opinion, this case involves a state constitutional question, and there is no venue to appeal it beyond the state Supreme Court.

The lengthy ruling can be found here

Our advice is for dairy farmers to begin paying workers time-and-a-half for overtime immediately. This legal memo from Stephanie Berntsen at Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt answers many questions about how the court’s opinion should be applied. Please review this document and implement these suggestions. 

More details of the case and opinion are given in this article from the Capital Press.

Gov. Inslee Orders New Regulations for Ag Worker Safety – Effective June 4

Agricultural employers, including dairies, must take immediate action to put in place new directives from the state government. Key things employers will need to do include the following:

  • Provide PPE to employees
  • Require employees to wear masks when not working alone
  • Ensure physical distancing
  • Check temperatures of employees each day
  • Disinfect workplaces routinely
  • Ensure routine employee handwashing
  • Develop a COVID response plan and provide employee training
  • Adopt workplace policies necessary for implementing these requirements

More information on these requirements can be found below.

Background: On May 28, 2020, Gov. Jay Inslee issued Proclamation 20-57 concerning the health of agricultural workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The intended purpose is to keep farmworkers safe from exposure to coronavirus. The proclamation requires agricultural employers, including dairies, to meet new worker safety requirements. By June 4, 2020, all agricultural employers must have the requirements in place or risk enforcement actions by the state. These requirements do not apply to meat or other food processing operations. They requirements will remain in effect for the duration of the state of emergency.

Documents: The proclamation can be found here. The list of new requirements is here.

Requirements: The proclamation lays out sanitation and PPE requirements for workers and employers. Please see the original proclamation and requirement documents for specifics. The key provisions are summarized below.

  • Personal Protective Equipment: Employers must provide PPE to employees at no cost to the employee. PPE means “face coverings, masks, respirators, gloves, and any other equipment needed to protect against hazards, including chemicals and COVID-19.” This list includes gloves, goggles, face shields, and face masks. PPE must be clean and available each workday. Cloth facial coverings must be worn by every employee not working alone on the job site.
  • Physical Distancing: Employers must ensure physical distancing of at least six feet between employees during all interactions of employment. When strict physical distancing is not feasible for a specific task, other prevention measures must be taken. Examples include more protective PPE, barriers, and negative pressure ventilation.
  • Workplace Disinfection: Employers must ensure high-touch surfaces are disinfected prior to the start of the workday and before and after all breaks. For night shifts, the same frequency of disinfecting is required. For dairies with shift workers, this would mean disinfecting before each shift.
  • Providing Handwashing Stations: Employers must supply adequate handwashing stations at every location and at all times that employees are working. All stations must have soap, tepid water, disposable paper towels, and a trash can. Hand sanitizer is not an adequate substitute for handwashing stations, but it must be provided in high-traffic locations where a handwashing station is impractical.
  • Using Handwashing Stations: Employers “must put in place adequate measures to ensure, at a minimum, that employees wash their hands for more than 20 seconds at the following intervals”: Arrival and departure from the worksite and prior to and after the first rest break, meal break, and second rest break.
  • Training: Employers must provide training to employees regarding COVID-19. This training includes required posters and safety protocols. The requirements include very specific minimum standards. See pages 3 and 4 of the requirements for that information.
  • COVID-19 Response Plan: Employers must have and maintain a COVID-19 response plan. The plan must be available to all employees. The plan must include specific items such as procedures for disinfecting areas where a symptomatic employee was present, notice to employees who were possibly exposed to COVID-19, and notice of employee rights and benefits. These items are covered in more detail on page 4 of the requirements.
  • Temperature Checks: At the beginning of each day, employers must conduct temperature checks of and review the symptom checklist with employees concerning themselves and their households. If an employee’s temperature is above 100.4 degrees, that employee has a fever and should be sent home. Thermometers must be properly sanitized between each use or each day.
  • Testing: “To the extent feasible, employers must ensure timely access to COVID-19 tests for symptomatic employees and must provide transportation as needed. Employers must designate a person or person who will be readily identifiable as the testing facilitators.”
  • Best Practices: Employers must stay up to date with guidance issued by the CDC, L&I, and DOH and should make every effort to implement all best practices to further protect employees.
  • Employee Rights: An employee may refuse to perform unsafe work, and it is unlawful for an employer to take adverse action against such an employee. Such employees may have access to certain leave and unemployment benefits.
  • Other Health Requirements: Employers must comply with all requirements of WAC 246-101 (communicable diseases) and any orders issued by local health jurisdictions.

In addition, the requirements spell out more details for outdoor worksites, indoor worksites, employer-provided transportation, and temporary worker housing. Dairy farms will have particular interest in the indoor worksite rules. For these sites, employers are required to implement a physical distancing plan, which must describe the ways in which a minimum of six feet of distancing will be achieved in all circumstances. For tasks where six feet of distancing is not feasible, the plan must describe the physical barriers used, negative pressure ventilation used, the higher level of PPE provided and used, and the administrative controls used to reduce interactions. Employers must ensure that tools, implements, and other equipment not be shared without being fully wipe-sanitized between uses.

Suggestions for Implementation:

  • Adopt policies implementing these new requirements. Train employees to them and have employees sign the new policies.
  • Document as much as possible. In case of an audit, inspection, and/or enforcement by a state agency, you will want and need to show what steps you have taken to protect employee safety.
  • Contact WSDF, other agricultural trade associations, and/or your co-op field representative with questions. Use L&I’s consultation services for assistance on this and other workplace safety issues.
  • The Dairy Federation has cloth masks that we can provide to you free. Contact us at 360.482.3485 or by emailing dan@wastatedairy.com
  • Washington Farm Bureau has hand sanitizer available to agricultural employers for free. Contact WFB at 360.357.9975.