Dairy Day at the Legislature 2016

Rep Buys entertains 2

Rep Vincent Buys entertains Capitol crowd with his violin.

WSDF Staff set up to get out ice cream & cheese

WSDF Staff sets up for Dairy Day at the Capitol.

Chris sybrandy 3

Chris Sybrandy, WSDF Board President

Dairy Amb give ice cream & cheese

Ambassadors distribute ice cream & cheese to all in the Capitol.

Henry B & Larry S talk

Henry Benthem & Larry Stap, both producers, discuss legislative issues.

Crowds p-u ice cream Crows good of some of our BOD Good clear crowd shot


Dairy Day at the Legislature 2014

2014 Dairy Day Pic

WSDF Board Members Tony Freeman and John Brunoff discuss legislative issues with Executive Director Jay Gordon. Dairy Ambassadors distributed 1800 ice cream bars generously donated by Safeway to legislators, staff, and visiting public. Everyone loves Dairy Day at the Legislature!