Pictured from left to right: Rebecca Ford, Jacoba (Cobi) VanSlageren, Abigail Zurcher, Anna Teachman, Claire Leininger, Juliana LeClair
Abigail Zurcher, representing the Mid–Columbia Counties, was crowned as the 2018-2019 Washington State Dairy Ambassador. Abigail was one of five finalists at the 63rd Annual Washington State Dairy Ambassador Coronation at the Bellevue High School Performing Arts Center in Bellevue, Wash.
Rebecca Ford representing Lewis County and Jacoba (Cobi) VanSlageren representing the Yakima Valley area were selected as equal Alternate State Dairy Ambassadors.
As a representative of the Dairy Farmers of Washington, the State Dairy Ambassador and Alternates will visit schools, attend local and state fairs, appear at Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) events, parades and many more activities including addressing the Washington State Legislature promoting the health and nutrition benefits of dairy products.
The dairy industry was well represented by their 2017-2018 Washington State Dairy Ambassador Anna Teachman (SeaTac) and Alternate State Dairy Ambassadors Juliana LeClair (Mount Vernon) and Claire Leininger (Everson). These young ladies traveled around the state educating students, parents and others on the positive impact and value of Washington’s dairy industry and the importance of dairy products.
Abigail Zurcher, the newly crowned WA State Dairy Ambassador, represented the Mid-Columbia counties. She is the daughter of Ed and Heather Zurcher from Mesa. Growing up on her family’s dairy, Abigail has a passion for agriculture and Dairy. She is active in 4H and FFA, showing heifers at the county fair and competing in FFA dairy related contests. Abigail is a 2018 graduate of Connell High School where she was very involved in student government, sports, and was an Honor Roll Recipient. Her future plans include attending the University of Idaho to major in Elementary Education and teaching kindergarten through third grade students in a small rural school district surrounded by agriculture.
Rebecca Ford is the newly crowned Alternate State Dairy Ambassador and represented Lewis County. She is the daughter of John and Rochelle Ford of Chehalis. Rebecca did not grow up on a dairy farm but found her love of dairy while working on a local dairy farm where she milked, fed calves, and assisted with healthcare of the animals. She is very involved in FFA, holding an offer position as well as competing on the state level in several areas. Rebecca is a 2018 graduate of W.F. West High School. Her future plans include earning a degree in Animal Science from Washington State University and continuing her education at the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine, with the goal of becoming a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.
Jacoba (Cobi) Van Slageren is the newly crowned Alternate State Dairy Ambassador and represented the Yakima Valley. She is the daughter of Dirk and Carol VanSlageren of Granger. Cobi grew up on her family’s dairy farm where she is now a part-time employee. She has been a member of 4H for the past nine years, completing 9 dairy and 3 market steer projects, winning awards with both at the local fairs and Livestock shows. Cobi is a 2018 graduate of Sunnyside Christian High School where she was a member of Honors Society, Honors Choir and sports. Her future plans include attending Dordt College to earn an Elementary Education degree with the goal of teaching elementary school and helping children learn life skills and more about the agricultural community.
Administrated by the Washington State Dairy Women, the Dairy Ambassador program began in 1955 and has mentored and supported outstanding young women.