WSDF Board Update

Markus Rollinger has been elected to the Dairy Federation Board of Directors. He will fill the unexpired term that was vacated by Tom Devries, who served for many year on the Dairy Federation Board. The term expires at the end of 2018.

Ten Dairy Federation Board members are elected by district, with staggered 3-year terms. In this case, Rollinger joins Art Mensonides and Keith Golob to represent the greater Yakima area.

Other board members include Chris Sybrandy, Jon DeJong and Terry Lensen (NW Washington); Walt Abplanalp and Eric Johnson (SW Washington); and Ed Zurcher and Henry Benthem (Eastern Washington).

Two appointed board members represent Western Washington (Dwayne Faber) and Eastern Washington (Austin Allread).

Legislative Budget Goals

This session we are focused on several aspects of the state budget. We continue to be vigilant about preserving the tax exemptions for agricultural inputs (feed, fertilizer, seed, etc). We are also working to see funding in the budget to keep the Yakima and the Chehalis Basin Plans for water and fish work moving forward. Additionally, we are supporting Conservation funding to adequately support staff and cost share for programs like the Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP) and nutrient management updates. We are also working to find funding for demonstrating innovative nutrient management technology, nutrient recovery, and manure processing. Lastly, we support updating the WSU animal disease diagnostic laboratory in Pullman.